At this time of the year the road in to the Lodge is much more accessible. This is also called the dry season. Temperatures are very pleasant with a maximum temperature in the twenties (Centigrade) and at night it gets nice and cool and may even want to use a duvet. If you decide to drive in with a 4x4 to the Lodge you probably will get your first glance of the Pantanal diverse wildlife. Last year when I drove in with my son Stefan at the end of July we saw both Giant and the lesser Anteater

During this time of year the majority of trees have no foliage which allows one to see many more animals. On the drive to the Lodge we saw some amazing trees and a number of the Jatoba Trees were crowned with Jabiru Stork
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jabiru nests that contained large families and the chicks were developed and received their final flight briefing from either mom or dad:

As we opened and closed the many farm gates we were waved on by the beautiful and endangered Hyacinth macaws
Another companion on the road was the Crab eating fox
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab-eating_Fox and saw a lovely couple who introduced themselves to us.

As you are driving you will also see many migratory birds flying overhead or having sashimi in one of the road side drying -up lakes joined by the caiman aligators who share the fish eating passion. We also came accross a beautiful Osprey hawk perched in a tree clutching a fish.

Then we located a Tucan, high in the tree showing off its beautiful orange beak accentuated by the last rays of the setting sun. We were almost arriving at the Lodge...

The trip takes around 4 hours (109 km from Aquidauana to the Lodge) because of the many photo opportunities on the way and it is nice to get out the car from time to time to take in the beautiful scenary while stretching the legs.
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